I am Professor of English and a member of the United Faculty bargaining team at the University of Illinois, Chicago. For 2025, I hold the #9 slot on the Art Review Power 100. With hopes for collaborations, I use this space to share seminar syllabi, note current events, and air ongoing projects, including the collectives InterCcECT and V21, and the initiative Humanities Works.
Broadly speaking, my research engages cultural production including the novel, film, tv, art, and architecture, through and alongside marxism, psychoanalysis, formalism, and literary theory. Four books and selected peer-reviewed articles are linked below. Recent essays topics include infrastructure cinema, death drive, solidarity, and feminist abstraction. Two books are in progress: Climate Counteraesthetics, which argues for forms that contest prevailing ecological artworks and counter ecocritical paradigms, and Good Enough Art, which theorizes mid aesthetics in the absence of middle economics. Click CV for forthcoming work, podcast/youtube appearances, and public writing.
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photo courtesy Jenny Fontaine